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Showing posts from January, 2013

A Morning Out

The spokes turned in rotation towards the destination, All the while, the morning breeze brushing against my face. Soon the highest point was in sight, And with only a slight intrepid thought, the ascent began. The view - breath taking, A feeling of total euphoric exaltation. Such a wondrous sense of oneness, With nature, With my Creator. I come closer to the ground at my feet; The clover and grass blades swaying as the Breeze gently passes. Splashes of yellow, As dandelions smile amidst them. My hands pass over them, Awakening the receptors within. I raise my hands to the heavens; Palms up. Outstretched arms. Deep inhalations, And long exhalations. I feel the strength of the universe surround me And invite its power in. My arms butterfly to the ground. And as I peek behind me, The whole world is upside down. Or is it? And as I fall back onto the earth, My back melts into the grass and we become one. July 8, 2011 Cynthia Gallo