How soothing the touch of the warm summer breeze against my cheek. As if a gentle kiss were planted on me. Up high, a bird sings a melodic tune, And although my eyes do not find him, My ears are glorified with his song of praise. Such simple graces bestowed upon me. A family of geese files in formation As they leave the grotto in a symmetrical dance. I watched the bee, painted in yellow and black, Savoring the nectar of a wildflower. So busy. So purposeful. Just simples graces. Then, I meet you in your splendor. Your delicate innocence surrounds you As you stop at the edge of the meadow Where the grasses meet the wood. Your nose quivers some as you try to determine your safety. You are aware you are not alone. I see your ears perk and your eyes gaze through the foliage. Then you proceed --- Oh! How gracefully you walk forward. As delicate as a flower, sweet grace. Yes, my sweet doe; That is what I will name you, For that is what you are. As you stop and l...
Musings are exactly that. Musings. Time and Peace prevail.