I follow an interactive blog through Abbey of the Arts . Looking to 2014 we had the opportunity to let a word resonate with us and the choose that word and journey with it through the forthcoming year. I chose Fortitude which I have found to be a well needed friend. In further response to "choose a word", there was an invitation this morning to have our word associated with a photograph. Alpha and Omega ⓒ 2009 Cynthia Gallo My word Fortitude resonated with me during Mass this morning. Father spoke in his homily that we should look upon the Baptism of the Lord, the close of the Christmas season, not as an end, but instead, a beginning. Looking at the altar, with the lit trees of white lights, I became conscious that next week the altar would be dressed for ordinary time. At that moment the sanctuary reminded of a photo I was inspired “to receive” after Christmas 2008. I titled the photograph "Alpha and Omega". It was one of those days that will always ...
Musings are exactly that. Musings. Time and Peace prevail.