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Now is the time. ..

There are some days when I reflect perhaps too deeply.  Sometimes I think many of us, myself included at times, live in a bubble.  Our own world.  When I find myself wondering why my life has led me to where I am, looking at both the joys and struggles, the dreams and reality, it is then I am thankful to God for where I am.

Now is the time
to consider
to reflect
to own
and embrace
all that life shows us.

Now is the time
for life is fleeting
as we do not know the day
or the hour
of our passing
to another life.

Now is the time
for life is ephermeral
as the petals of a flower
the puff ball of the dandelion
all changing within
a blink of our eye
and with a passing
of our footsteps.

Now is the time
for life is transitory
as the changing of the seasons:
crimson autumn colors
shimmering winter snows
aromatic spring blossoms
soft summer rain.

Now is the time
to put aside regrets
old hurts
make amends
create new bridges
begin anew
no matter how unreachable
it may seem.

Now is the time
for when our hour comes
or that of a loved one
or a friend
our tears should be of joy
for what we have known
and not for what
we haven’t known.

Now is the time
for life is passing
with every movement of the hand
tick of clock
and chime of the hour
now is the time . . .

© Cynthia Gallo
May 31, 2012


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