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Showing posts from September, 2021

Standard Process Purification: The Takeaway

Saturday, September 4, 2021 Me this morning. Three weeks have passed since beginning the Standard Process Purification cleanse. Questions such as “How do I feel?”, “What do I notice?”, “Was it worth it?”, “Would I do it again?” and "Moving forward" are all questions to be reflected upon.  I don’t know about you, but many generations just lived, ate seasonally, and didn’t pay much attention to the catchall words that we have today such as “organic” and “sustainable eating.” They already were!!!! Farmers worked hard, still do. Today our society has changed and many of us are stuck behind desks and are on the run so much that the food we eat and unhealthy habits we have formed have been problematic to our overall health, posture, spinal health, obesity, amongst others. There is more disease than ever before in this country, much which has been our own doing, but even more so, the culture and environmental factors around us contribute to dis-ease and our unnecessary stressful liv...

Friday - Day 21

Today is officially the last day of the Purification although there will be still supplements left that I will continue to take until they’re gone. I will also continue watching the problem foods like gluten and sugar (even though most of my sugar has been come from local honey, unsulfured blackstrap molasses and pure maple syrup). Do I think I failed because I added a couple of my important foods back this week? For me the answer is no, but I’ll go into it more on my closing blog tomorrow. Weighed in this morning. 157.6# That is approximately a 4.5# weight loss in 3-weeks. I’m OK with that. Smoothie: 2T SP Pro Complete, 2T SP Whey Pro Complete, 1 cup Califia coconut milk, 3T shredded unsweetened coconut, 1 banana. Breakfast: 1 soft boiled farm fresh egg (before starting the purification are used to have two a day). Cooked green string beans with Italian butter. Take green string beans. While we think of them as a vegetable, I guess they’re considered part of the legume family. I didn’...

Thursday - Day 20

Such a lovely day with a good break from the normal work day. Hope to make this a really short posting this evening as it’s now 8:50 PM. Haha. Can’t speak in 100 words or less, what makes me think that I will be able to blog in 100 words or less. There is that old saying about being a slave to your home. In our case it is being a slave to the kitchen! There are days when it is just busy in a good way and decisions need to be made in order to let everything unfold smoothly. So this morning, after exercise, Standard  Process supplements and smoothie, it was time for breakfast. We actually had a little extra time as we did not need to make lunch. Bill‘s nephew was in town so we were going to take an extended lunch this afternoon and go out. Smoothie: 2T SP Pro Complete, 2T Whey Pro Complete, 1 cup Califia coconut milk, peach, 1T hemp hearts, fresh basil leaves. So I cooked up a couple of small sweet potatoes and steamed some green beans for breakfast added some Italian butter for the ...

Wednesday- Day 19

A new day, a new month! September 1st. I really like the ring of that! 🍂 While I had a really good night sleep (only up once to use bathroom which is common and I typically always fall right back to sleep), I was glad I fell asleep shortly after getting into bed. One of the areas I noted was that this Purification has not helped in the sleep department. Since we don’t get home until after 5:30 (the work days are long) we don’t sit down to supper until at least 6:30. Then we need to wait at least 2 hours to go to bed which 9 pm works for us, especially when the goal is to be up by 4:30. Although I would like to be up by 4:15. However since Sunday night I’ve had to take melatonin as I just get into bed and then become awake and lie there. Just warmed not hot fresh milk sprinkle with nutmeg does the trick. I caved last night I have milk at. 8 o’clock no problem falling asleep as I typically do before yes. Well back to meals for the day! It was a whirlwind of a day too. Smoothie: 2T SP Pr...