Saturday, September 4, 2021 Me this morning. Three weeks have passed since beginning the Standard Process Purification cleanse. Questions such as “How do I feel?”, “What do I notice?”, “Was it worth it?”, “Would I do it again?” and "Moving forward" are all questions to be reflected upon. I don’t know about you, but many generations just lived, ate seasonally, and didn’t pay much attention to the catchall words that we have today such as “organic” and “sustainable eating.” They already were!!!! Farmers worked hard, still do. Today our society has changed and many of us are stuck behind desks and are on the run so much that the food we eat and unhealthy habits we have formed have been problematic to our overall health, posture, spinal health, obesity, amongst others. There is more disease than ever before in this country, much which has been our own doing, but even more so, the culture and environmental factors around us contribute to dis-ease and our unnecessary stressful liv...
Musings are exactly that. Musings. Time and Peace prevail.