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Friday - Day 14

 Today has been a really good day!  

Every breath we draw is a gift of God's love; every moment of existence is a grace. ~Thomas Merton

Slept in this morning, and arose feeling rested. Decided to do a weigh in. 158. It felt good to see it under 160.  As I said on Day 1 - I don't want to lose a truckload of weight.  It is not healthy to lose alot of weight in such a short period of time.  Not only do you lose it from your fat reserves, and even muscle if not exercising, but also from your bones, especially if nutrients are not kept in check!

So I took my Standard Process supplements, scanned the refrigerator, made a smoothie and we went for a 2.5 mile walk.  The walk was a bit tiring as the dew point at 8 a.m. had bordered at 70°F, and dew point readings above 70°F are oppressive and even dangerous.

Anyway, back to the smoothie.  Since the amount of  food in the house was at the minimum (today & tomorrow shopping days), I made a smoothie (served in my New Glarus, Wisconsin glass) finishing up what was in the house using 2T SP Pro Complete, 1 cup SO Coconut milk, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 peach and a tsp of cardamom.

Cardamom is an antioxidant and has some diuretic properties, is anti-inflammatory,  is good for digestion, may help increase airflow to your lungs and improve breathing, in powder form (which it was), may lower blood sugar and may decrease elevated liver enzymes, triglyceride and cholesterol levels.  And it tastes awesome!

After we arrived home from our walk, I microwaved sweet potatoes and had it has a snack with Kerry Gold butter.

Lunch was actually very simple. Steamed cauliflower, and then mashed it with coconut milk and a little butter. Reheated 3 oz of the Sockeye Salmon we didn't eat last night and placed it on top. It was very filling. 

Cauliflower is one vegetable I don't eat enough of and I don't know why.  It also is an antioxidant, encourages digestion, stimulates circulation, is high in fiber, low in calories, great for the heart, and it’s naturally low on the glycemic index. It is high in folate, iron and calcium! And there are so many ways to fix it.

I really like cauliflower and need to make the commitment to eat more of it!

After going for groceries and replenishing my coconut milk - this time Califia brand (have one more week before I put my raw milk back into my diet) - it was time to relax.  It was such a delightful day which I finished up with a bison stir-fry.

Bison is allowed on the reintroductions of animal proteins to the 21- Purification. Greensbury Farms lists the five biggest health benefits to eating bison.  Now at $15 for 12oz, that is quite pricey, but the key is to eat only 3oz servings which is an ample amount of protein.

I sautéed red onions, shitake mushrooms, a large tomato, some mini purple peppers and added yellow summer squash, adding a small amount of thyme.

This is the Greensbury list for Bison:

1) Better Heart Health:  In April 2013, a Nutrition Research Study showed eating bison instead of beef lowers artery-blocking triglyceride levels. Bison even has lower cholesterol levels than chicken leaving your heart pumping easier!

2) Gain Essential Vitamins and Minerals: With just 1 bison patty you’ll get at least 30% of your daily values for mood enhancing Vitamin B12 (34%), the powerful antioxidant Selenium (30%), and immune system boosting zinc (32%).

3) More Conjugated Linoleic Acid to Fight Fat: CLAs are fat-blocking and cancer-fighting fatty acids, and bison is the protein with the highest known levels. CLAs help increase your metabolic rate while boosting your immune system and keeping your cholesterol in check.

4) Increased Levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3s help fight depression and anxiety, improve eye health, and reduce the risk of heart disease. While salmon is a well-known source of Omega-3s, bison actually packs the same amount.

5) Load Up With Proteins, Not Calories: Bison has just 12% of the fat found in beef while packing the same amount protein. The leanness of this protein gives it just 54% of the calories you’d get from the same 100g of beef without losing that red meat taste.

Thank you for following along!  Only one more week!!!!


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