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Standard Process 21-Days - Day 1

Starting a 21-Day Purification using a Standard Process regime under guidance with my chiropractor. Yes, there are food restrictions for the first 10 days, and then days 11-21 are more relaxed, but a person can eat as many vegetables and fruits as they want, just keeping the ratio 2-1, vegetables and fruit.  Standard Process Food Guide 

First an introduction about me since I haven't posted on this blogspace since 2014 when I started the Blogger through Google titled TimePeace. The purpose was to add musings and poetry. Then FaceBook came along with the "Notes." I deactivated the Blogger and started using "Notes" for my poetry, until last year when FaceBook pulled it down. Anyway, I decided to resurrect TimePeace and it will be used for the same purpose I started it for - poetry and other musings, as well as I am going to be adding for the next 21-Days my journey with the Standard Process Purification Program. I love photography, cook healthy and fine foods of all cuisines, be out in nature, hike, walk, read and write poetry finding spirituality in it all!

What are my motivations? While I am healthy, almost 63-year-old woman, there are days, like all of us, where I just really feel like I just don’t have the get up and go I should have. Even though I live an extremely healthy lifestyle, I am about 15-20 pounds overweight. At 5’6” I weigh in at 162#. The visceral fat is in my belly, while the rest of me is toned muscle. My diet is relatively clean with a myriad of vegetables 3x a day as main focus, lean proteins and exercise daily (weights, yoga, and at least 21 miles or more of walking each week - much more in cooler weather).  Because I have osteoporosis and treat it naturally, I am very conscious of what I eat. I practice a natural approach to wellness in my day to day living including clean eating for over a decade. Over the last 3-years, like I just said, I have been following a natural approach to building bone through food. I've been using the guidelines of medicine through food through the teachings of Dr. Laura Kelly. found in the book she and her mother, Helen Bryman Kelly wrote, The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan and Cookbook.  During this 21-day journey I plan to include bone friendly tips each day as well. As ancient Yogi wisdom says:  “You are as young and as healthy are as your spine is strong and supple.” 

What are my goals? My goal now is to clean out any toxins that have built up in my digestion that help metabolism. Many women after menopause tend to stagnate, gaining fat in the belly, no matter what they do. If the liver becomes sluggish even healthy food can turn to sugar. Weight loss of maybe 5 pounds would be acceptable with some trimming of the waist. But overall I just want to have more energy, boost my metabolism and support a healthy immune system keeping dis-ease away.  

Luckily Day-1 is on a Saturday, so I will at least have two full days to work through the real tired that I’ve read is expected. Looking forward to Farmers Market to see all the different vegetables and fruits I can bring home. My husband is not participating in this purification to the full extent (by using the Standard Process), he will be eating all the meals that I prepare. I will roast him a chicken for his weekly protein, and whatever fish we still have in freezer. Chicken and fish are not introduced back until Day 11.

BEFORE BREAKFAST (missing one of the component parts so I’ll have to wait until Monday to get that) I had a  SMOOTHIE: 2T Whey Pro Complete, 1 frozen banana, 1 peach, 1 cup water 

BREAKFAST: Sweet potato with ghee, Arugula, 2T Sunflower seeds 

BEFORE LUNCH:  Protein Shake:  2T Whey Pro Complete, 1 cup unsweetened hemp milk, 1 tsp cinnamon 

So today is Farmers Market day and I swear I bought more there than I ever do. My lunch salad was 100% Farmers Market. 

LUNCH: Romaine, purslane, peaches, red onion, basil, olive oil. 

SNACK: 2T European Pumpkin Seeds

DINNER: Quinoa and shiitake mushrooms stuffed Italian peppers and spaghetti squash topped with tomato sauce and basil. Also had a cup of strained homemade chicken bone broth. 

Quinoa Stuffed Pepper with Spaghetti Squash 

I actually felt full today! 

After a 3-mile walk after supper we went and listened to the first set of a friend’s band! I had a club soda with lime as Bill enjoyed his pint of Guinness. I love Guinness but I was remarkably OK. I can wait 21-Days.With Day-1 coming to an end I still feel energized. While I will miss my warmed cup of raw milk before bed, I will survive the discipline and be better for it. 


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