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Wednesday- Day 5

YESTERDAY my back muscles were achy, either due to a change in the barometric pressure, or all the sitting I was doing while sorting and filing at work. Still achy this morning. Because my lumber has lordosis, posture is critical when sitting, but when you have piles of paper being sorted, and doing more reaching that one ought, sometimes the muscles get tight. Lordosis also gives your back the appearance of a swayback, since the spine has a curvature, which also pushes out the belly. A firm core is so crucial. It’s frustrating when you are doing the daily exercising yet feel or see minimal results.  Another motivation of reducing the belly fat which helps the posture and reduces lumbar pain.

When I went out to cut a sprig of lavender this morning I noticed the damp fog in the air. Barometric pressure rising.

I hate the feeling of “eat and run”, and I’m not liking the rushed feeling of this work week. Yes. Working only 4 days a week has its advantages, however, they are 4 LONG days. In order to fit in exercise, both on my mat and in the park, food prep and leisure, one has to be very intentional. Made it out of house and to the park by 7, with the goal of 2.5 miles and to be in work and clocked in by 8. Unfortunately we only made 2 miles, whiles temps remained at 70, it started feeling sultry as we clocked in 19 minute per mile. Will walk again at lunch and after work.

This morning I made a double batch of the shake, one for this morning and the other for work for before lunch. Left overs for breakfast (broccoli and sweet potatoes), although I’m not really hungry after drinking the shake. The SP Complete (which I picked up on Monday) is full of whole foods. In powder form, of course.

I bought lots of peaches at Farmers Market Saturday, I don’t buy them unless they’re in season. And they are at the top of the season now and Calhoun County peaches are so good. An peaches are very high in potassium.  "You need about 4,700 milligrams of potassium every day, and it's far better to get it from food than a supplement. One small peach has 247 milligrams of potassium, and one medium peach can give you as much as 285 milligrams of potassium." (web MD) I recall when I first started tracking food using the Cronometer app, I was shocked when it indicated that I needed that much potassium a day!  Potassium is very important to bone health. In a medium peach there is over 13% vitamin C, beta-carotene, fiber, over 85% water, vitamin E and even contain fluoride.

This morning’s (and mid-morning) smoothie is a mixture of 2T SP Complete, 2T Whey Pro Complete, hemp milk (Pacific Foods organic), peaches, blackberries and lavender flowers (this is a single batch). I’ve been putting my collagen peptides in it as well, but we’re running low and I’m waiting for my shipment which won’t be here until Monday (my order from Vitacost was damaged, most likely my Lakewood pure lemon juice bottles broke, as the shipment was returned from FedEx and Vitacost had to re-ship.)

Lunch packed is arugula, steamed, cold beets, apples, celery, and a drizzle raspberry balsamic vinegar.

Dinner will be left over lentil vegetable soup (from Monday) with avocado and cilantro.


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